
Food Porn of the Day

Giada and her cleavage - um - tomatoes

I'll let this photo from Esquire speak for itself - just a tidbit I wanted to share from my lazy Sunday morning reading.

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Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know whether to laugh or moan! I guess moan, because this is the sad state of "food tv" these days, and because moaning would satisfy the network who might mistake it for...sexual satisfaction?

Sarah C. said...

First we have Rachel Rey in the kitchen attempting to bake in a mini apron and bra now we have Giada and her, um, tomatoes! They shoudl show them how they normally cook at home, in their pjs with their hair all screwed up and without makeup...but that wouldnt sell now would it!

Madame K said...

Christine, you are so right.
It doesn't seem fair that the female chefs on Food Network lure viewers by wearing tight T-shirts, while the men can just say "BAM"!

All in the name of entertainment.

Sarah, no not at all!

Anonymous said...

You saw cleavage..Oops, I mean tomatoes. All I see is teeth!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god (those were the first words out of my mouth. I am disgusted and embarrassed all at the same time. They should be ashamed (Giada and Esquire, both!)) for exploiting women like that.

Deborah Dowd said...

I would never have thought of combining melons and tomatoes! Thanks!

Madame K said...

Jill, yes, she does have voluptuous teeth.

Liza, I know! Did you look at the other images?

Deborah, you're too funny!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

I'm speechless. Well, I... Nope. I'm speechless.

Madame K said...

Susan, I know what you mean.

Anonymous said...

Deborah's comment has me LOL!

I can't show my hubby this...he'll never stop staring, which is just what Food TV wants!

When I went to her book signing,there were a ton of men there, and I'm sure that it wasn't to see her tomatoes.

Madame K said...

Kristen, I also went to a book signing for Giada (which is funny, because I've never did that before or since), and there were lots of men in line.

Melons sell lots of books!

Lisa said...

Well, this is just not surprising, is it? I may have mentioned to you that a friend of mine's brothers-in-law call Giada's show "Cooking with Cleavage." OK, you have a great figure, girl, but save it for the beach.

Wouldn't Mrs. Child just turn over in her grave?

Shayne said...

ok this is great! My daughter and I watch Giada every day while my 2 year old son takes his nap. well one day we found out that it was also on at 4:30 so my son started watching and now he will hit me on the shoulder saying jada on, joda on. now what makes it funny is ever since he was 8 months old he would go nuts for females with long hair and large tomatoes. he never aks for Bobby Flay.